Atlas Traffic Management Systems pulled a fast one on Naples, Florida. They contracted years ago to replace ~50 high profile traffic light poles and lights in Naples, and installed ugly, substandard, improperly galvanized painted poles, which have been peeling and rusting for several years. I worry that light poles will fail from cracks, and collapse onto the streets during a storm. Why? "Beauty is skin deep, but ugliness goes to the bone".
The company "lies like a rug", by promising over the past two plus years to fix their blatant screw ups, and never delivered on their empty promises. The City of Naples sued them, Atlas got arbitration, and promised to fix at least one intersection by Jan 1, 2009. They never even did that! Atlas Traffic's faulty products and lack of service is a traffic stopper, a , bright red light's warning to other cities of the broken promises, faulty product, and lousy service to expect.
Thinking about hiring proven unreliable Atlas Traffic, with substandard products and 2+ year lack of service exhibited in Naples? Think again! Contact Florida Department of Transportation or Naples Mayor Bill Barnett . http://www.naplesnews.com/news/2009/jan/17/still-ugly-after-all-these-years-deadline-missed-p/ Atlas Senior VP John Coyne cowardly ducks NDNews phone calls, exhibiting no sense of responsibility for his company's failures. Take the money and run, eh, Mr. Coyne?

Buyers Beware of what I call "Atlas Traffic Mismanagement." Who else is suffering from Atlas' corporate bad faith and bad products?
Buyers Beware of what I call "Atlas Traffic Mismanagement." Who else is suffering from Atlas' corporate bad faith and bad products?
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