My Nam Duc Mai mangoes are now gone from the tree, and it is now avocado and sugar apple time.
The Nam Doc Mai are among the worlds best mangoes, with a distinctive slight "S" shape, or hook, to them.
Completely lacking fiber, richer and sweeter than almost any dessert, with sometimes subtle tartness, they are highly prized.A ripe mango has a fruity aroma at the stem, and is slightly soft. I don't rely much on color changes with this cultivar. You scoop out the tender ripe orange flesh with a spoon, or slice it into wedges, and greedily use your teeth-there's no fiber, and some are soft as pudding! One woman compares a mango's succulent dripping flesh to "edible orgasms", another to "a lover's luscious lips". Who can argue with mango lust?
The mango season starts with new red leaves and yellow flowers.

Nam Docs & a Neighbor's Round Mango

There's a lusty side to these fruits, and a dark side as well. I've seen male ducks, or drakes, peck a mango, and go mate with a nearby female or hen, both thrashing in the water, hen near drowning in the frenzied mating process. I've seen a drake nibble a mango, then attack a rival drake in the lake, stand atop the rival, and drown the rival in minutes. Serious stuff, these mangoes. We're talking aphrodisiacal mango lust, unbridled passions, and hot blooded murder..this is more than catnip to a kitty, here.

My friends Raquel and Fred have a carambola tree that just keeps putting out several hundred tart green star-shaped fruits, that ripen into sweet orange stars. There's a touch of tartness at the outer tips or ribs of the stars, the last part to turn from green to orange. The fruit become much sweeter when allowed to turn their flesh and ribs completely to a rich orange, while on the tree.

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